Tips on Keeping Your Sewing Space Organized

Sewing can be a messy task to do because it includes trims, patterns, buttons, threads, etc. When you stitch, you cut the fabric, and sometimes it falls on the ground. Keeping your sewing space neat and tidy can be a tricky thing to do. It does not matter if you have a large or small space for sewing. The designated place for sewing will require a lot of cleaning. 

When it comes to organizing your sewing space, get rid of the things that you don’t need anymore. Put back the threads, buttons, patterns, etc. to their designated places. Everything needs a home, so your sewing space would be organized when everything is at its place. 

Tips on Keeping Your Sewing Space Organized

Pick Up the Trash 

You always have fabric trimming, paper bits, thread, etc. on the floor near your cutting table. You don’t want to create a mess near the sewing space. For this purpose, you can keep a trash bag or donation bag near you so that you can collect the extra fabric trimmings. Also, keep a small broom and dustpan to collect all the trash in one place. 

Make A Pile of Unfinished Projects 

If you are having unfinished projects, then you can keep them in a basket. You don’t want to have a pile of an unfinished project on your cutting desk or sewing space. You can store the pile in one place and then you can easily complete the unfinished projects in a scheduled routine. 

Sort and Organize Sewing Patterns 

Firstly, you have to decide that which sewing patterns you are keeping for a week or month. It depends on you which sewing pattern you will be opting for. Instead of keeping a lot of sewing patterns, keep a focused sewing pattern. You can also keep a spare sewing pattern spot in the sewing space. Sometimes your mind changes after a week. For this, you can take out the spare sewing patterns from another spot. 

If you are not having an organized system of your printed patterns, then you can decide the method to get them organized. It depends on you and your OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Also, you can keep manila folders or wall baskets to keep your sewing patterns organized. If you don’t like to keep them in manila folders, you can use gallon zipper bags. It will keep the patterns organized and rolled. 

Apart from these, you can use a 2 or 3 ring binder. You can put the colored tabs to keep it organized and it is easy to find the desired sewing pattern. Using a mini binder will be handy if you have to carry it somewhere other than your sewing space. You can easily punch the sewing pattern paper and slide it into the ring binder. 

Sort and Organize Fabric 

Gather fabric from all the places. You will not be using all of the fabric in the same period. It is the same as sewing patterns. If you don’t want to work on some fabric, then you can donate it or sell it to free up the sewing space. For interfacing and scraps, you can keep a basket or bin, so that your sewing space does not look messy. 

If the basket gets full, it means that you need to start working on your unfinished projects or donate them. If you are having a fabric of the 90’s motif, then you can waste it or donate it because you won’t be using it. If you are having a collection of linen, rayon, and cotton, then you can get rid of the cheap synthetics. It will only take up extra space.

If there are your favorite fabric, pattern, and colors, then you need to finish them before they create a mess in your sewing space. When you are done with one garment, you don’t want to save the scraps. Wasting them would be the best option. The interfacing with adhesive glue is also of no use, so you can waste them. 

You can keep the pieces of fabrics in folds on a shelf. For perfect and same folding, you can use your cutting ruler. You will be able to nicely stack the folds on the shelf. Also, you can use the bins for fabric storage. 

The size of the bins depends on the space you have and make sure that they easily fit in the sewing space. Place them on the shelves with labels, where they are easy to find. If you are having a small sewing space, then you can keep the bins under your bed.

Sort and Organize Notions 

The bin you are keeping for spare elastics, fabrics, and zippers would be a mess. The kids are always digging through the stuff and they will create a mess in your sewing space. To keep it organized, gather all the buttons, pins, zippers, elastics, threads, trims, etc. You can put them with the supplies in order. Also, if you are not willing to use them soon, you can pass them to others. 

You can use the jars and containers to organize the small supplies. To keep your trims, elastics, and zippers organized, you can use plastic shoebox bins. Especially for threads, you can use a wooden thread organizer. 

Sort and Organize Other Art and Craft Supplies 

If you are having art supplies such as paint, papers, knitting, paintbrushes, kid’s craft, etc. then you can keep these supplies in a shelf of drawers. Also, if you are having magazines and craft books of old artwork, then a shelf would be the best place to organize the art and craft books. You can throw out the dried-up glue, paints, and damaged paintbrushes. You can donate the craft supplies and recycle paper scraps

Before technology, people used to keep scrapbooks of their art and craft. Now people having switched to technology and you can easily keep a lot of digital photo albums or scrapbooks. To organize the crafts and paints, you can use small plastic shoebox bins or jars. To make it easier, you can label them. Your kids can also use the art and craft supplies easily and put them back when they are done.

To keep the old scrapbooks, magazines, art and craft books, you can sort them. You don’t want to keep the books that do not inspire you. Donate the old ones and free up space in your sewing room or space. 

Store Your Projects 

When you are working on a project, you can keep all the supplies in one place. You don’t want to stand up from your chair and look for the fabric, threads, buttons, zippers, etc. 

Keep A Track of Your Projects 

You can keep a track of your projects on your laptop or computer. If you want to keep a hard copy to keep the track of your projects, then you can use the tracking sheets. It will help you to schedule your sewing time. Also, it will help you to work on the unfinished projects. Keeping a track of your projects helps you to organize your sewing projects. 

Clean Sewing Machines 

When all the clutter is out of your sewing space, you can clean the sewing machine. It will help you to maintain the long life of your sewing machine. It will operate properly and cleaning your sewing machine is not an expensive thing to do. 

Organizing Sewing Room – Clearing the Clutter

By sorting and organizing your sewing supplies in order, you will be able to focus better on your projects. Instead of wasting time in finding the supplies such as threads, fabrics, sewing patterns, buttons, zippers, art, and craft, you will find them quickly using the tags and sorting. When you are done with clearing the clutter you will experience a calm and clean sewing environment. Decluttered sewing space will inspire you to start sewing again.